Basic Components Of A Narrative Essay: The Complete Tutorial

A narrative essay is one where the author tells a story from their own perspective, usually of an experience they had or an incident they observed. The story can take two distinct tones, the author may want to be factual or objective, this style is useful for news reporters and documentation. The author may also choose to tell the story the way they saw and felt it, freely expressing any opinions they may have had at the time, giving a more personalized account of the story. Here are some basic component that any narrative essay should posses for your consideration:

  1. Title statement
  2. This statement can serve two functions, it can be a statement of excitement and awe that will grasp the interest of the reader, encouraging them to satisfy their newly peaked curiosity by reading on. It can also connect with potential readers on a personal level, possibly through their disagreement with the implications of the statement, which can also serve to encourage someone to read on to find out more.

  3. Introductory paragraph
  4. This paragraph provides a small amount of information to readers, implying that the rest of the paper will get more in dept into the details. It also serves to set the tone of the essay, putting a reader in the right frame of mind to better able to appreciate and understand the information you are about to present.

  5. Captivating point of interest
  6. No one likes a boring story, if you do not want your readers to fall asleep while reading you depiction, be sure your narrative contains some interesting points. This can be accomplished easily if you have an idea of what your readers are like, then directly playing on their interests in your story.

  7. Supporting events and circumstances
  8. A story is nothing without character and plot development. Take the time to set the stage for your tale, use powerful adjective and literary tools to paint a picture for the readers so they can feel better connected with the events taking place within the story.

  9. Conclusion or moral
  10. As humans we always try to find deeper meaning in things, quite often in items and objects that really don’t deserve to have one. If you can relate your narrative to a higher moral belief or principle, readers will better appreciate it for the message it delivers or the lesson it teaches, this is true for most types of fiction as well.


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